Richard Scott: Narrative Portrait Painting

by Matthew Innis |

Narrative Portrait Painting

A Five Day Workshop, September 12-16, 2017, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm

This course will be a five day intensive portrait workshop, exploring indirect painting techniques of the old masters with a focus on narrative development. Richard will walk you through the stages of conceiving, composing, and beginning a portrait. There will be helpful information on how to analyze your work in order to improve both your skills and give yourself the tools to express your vision.

We will explore both symbolism and how to express ideas through the composition itself. We’ll cover adaptive methods for utilizing the movement of the model, compositional changes due to the decision of the painter, and enhancing both analytical and intuitive approaches to painting.

Emphasis will be on balancing the detailed and accurate observation of light, form and anatomy – with composition and expression.

Fee: $425. members, $455. non-members

Who: Richard Scott

Where: Wethersfield Academy for the Arts, Wethersfield (CT)

When: September 12 – 16, 2017

Cost: $455

Cost: $455

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