Nanci France-Vaz: Painting the Self-Portrait In Oils

by nancifrancevaz |

Learn the classical techniques and materials of creating a self-portrait using a mirror or a photograph. The structure of the human skull will be covered extensively in order to produce an accurate three-dimensional head. Composition of expression, light, measuring from comparative relationships, value design, color temperatures, variations of edges will be covered. A demo in setting up the color wash and how to mix the right value/color to create a clean portrait will also be discussed. Students will take home a finished portrait that represents their character. Please click on list below for materials list.

Who: Nanci France-Vaz

Where: Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Summit (NJ)

When: November 11 – 18, 2018

Cost: $200.00

Visual Arts Center of New Jersey

Cost: $200.00

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