Nanci France-Vaz: Still Life to Portrait in Oils

by nancifrancevaz |

From still life to portrait, this class covers your favorite subjects. Designed for those beginner-intermediate artists who are either new to oil painting or would like to know more about oil painting, methods, and materials. Learn properties of oil paint, color theory, seeing value, rendering and drawing with oil paint, wet in wet techniques, layering, and glazing. Brands of paints, brushes, surfaces, and mediums will be covered in the first class. Weekly demo and dedicated individual instruction. Please email for supply list. 5 SESSIONS

Thurs, Oct 4-Nov 1, 10 am-12:30 pm

Who: Brookdale Community College

Where: Brookdale Community College, Lincroft (NJ)

When: October 4 – Nov 1, 2018

Cost: $169.00

Brookdale Community College

Cost: $169.00

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