Composition, Proportion, and Beauty

The Perfect Painting

by Matthew Innis |

Dow and the Concept of Notan

by Matthew Innis |

George Inness and the “Law of True Realism”

by Matthew Innis |

Mortensen’s Psychology of Composition

by Matthew Innis |

Pictorial Composition with Maestro Michael John Angel

by Matthew Innis |

The Painter’s Secret Geometry

by Matthew Innis |

Misconceptions about the Golden Ratio

by Matthew Innis |

Defining Beauty: Jon Whitcomb- Beauty in Non-Symmetry

by Matthew Innis |

Defining Beauty: Symmetry in the Human Face

by Matthew Innis |

Defining Beauty: Harrison Fisher (1877-1934)

by Matthew Innis |

Words of Wisdom: Robert Henri and Marvin Mattelson

by Matthew Innis |