Random Inspiration

Edmund Blair Leighton in Black and White

by Matthew Innis |

More Paintings by Edmund Blair Leighton

by Matthew Innis |

Edmund Blair Leighton (British, 1852-1922)

by Matthew Innis |

Random Inspiration: Erik Werenskiold

by Matthew Innis |

Random Inspiration: Osamu Obi

by Matthew Innis |

Seeking the Tenth Muse

by Matthew Innis |

French Lessons: Henri Royer (1869-1938)

by Matthew Innis |

French Lessons: Alfred Guillou (1844-1926)

by Matthew Innis |

Eduard Charlemont (Austrian, 1842-1906)

by Matthew Innis |

Random Inspiration: Margaret Bernadine Hall

by Matthew Innis |

Random Inspiration: Emma Meyer

by Matthew Innis |