Aesthetic Forum – Group Critiques Online with Charles Weed

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Artists of Intermediate and Advanced levels are invited to participate in the first edition of Aesthetic Forum, a series of online interactive critiques led by the American painter Charles Weed in collaboration with the Painting & Drawing Art Studio of Rome.

Aesthetic Forum is limited to ten participants and is made up of four two-hour critiques held once a week.

At the time of registration, each participant may submit either one finished work or one work in progress—either a painting or a drawing or an etching—to be discussed in the first critique, after which the possibilities are:

  1. Submit the same work in progress for continued critique
  2. Submit a new work, again either finished or in-progress.

The first half of the critique will be spent looking at the body of the work; the second half will allow for specific questions from each of the participants.



Setting Expectations: Some Words from Charles Weed

Each of the four sessions will consist of a nuanced analysis of construction, value relationships, unity of effect, and color, particularly in its relationship to value.

There will first be a collective assessment of  all of the participants’ work, with common strengths and weaknesses addressed, and then each work will be discussed individually.

The critiques will be candid and constructive, focusing on concrete, useable information, always taking into account where I feel each participant is in his or her development.

Those of you looking for a unique interactive opportunity to continue your pictorial development within a community of like-minded peers might find this to be a good opportunity.”

—Charles Weed


Who: Charles Weed

Where: Online

When: August 13, 2020 - September 3, 2020

Cost: €240 + Iva (€292.80) for the complete 8-hour forum

Art Studio Rome

Cost: €240 + Iva (€292.80) for the complete 8-hour forum

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