Charles Weed: The Continuity of Light

by Matthew Innis |


4-Day Painting Workshop – The Continuity of Light

Leggi in Italiano


  • Wednesday, May 3 to Saturday, May 6, 2017
  • 6 hours of painting a day for a total of 24 teaching hours:
    – Still-life painting from 10:30 to 13:30
    – Portrait painting from 15:00 to 18:00
  • Over the course of the four days, Charles will instruct participants on possible strategies and techniques for an indirect oil painting process–a painting built up over time with various layers of paint, including the use of glazes and scumbles, and how the latter can be used to model form and flesh tones.  More about the workshop from Charles:

“I’ll be essentially doing a very condensed version of a process that requires longer time to be exploited fully.  This will be a course about Principles involved in the building up an oil painting.  You won’t be producing a resolved image in 4 days, but you will hopefully come away with a better understanding of processes.”

Please note that the entire workshop will take place indoors and the lighting will be artificial.


  • €720 + Iva
  • €220 is due at the time of registration, the remaining €500 is due by the start of the first lesson.
  • Note: there only is room for a maximum of 8 students.  First come, first serve.  A minimum of 5 students is required to run the workshop.


Who: Charles Weed

Where: The Painting and Drawing Art Studio of Rome, Rome, Italy

When: May 3, 2017 - May 6, 2017

Cost: €720

Cost: €720

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