Dan Thompson: The Portrait in Red Chalk
by Matthew Innis |The Portrait in Red Chalk
Instructor: Dan Thompson
April 8 — April 9, 2017
Time: 9 a.m.– 4 p.m.
Tuition: $399
This historically based drawing workshop examines the portrait in red chalk and red crayon on hand-toned paper. In an extended portrait pose, participants will learn about mark making—particularly hatch mark—as they discover the differences in binding media and their potential applications. Students build up their pieces to describe nuances of features in the human face after chiseling the major planes. Contour, linear characteristics, editing forms and insights offered by the instructor provide a strong foundation for developing more proficient life drawing skills. Additional time to prepare the paper is required.
Dan Thompson, selected as an Art Renewal Center Living Master Artist, is recognized and respected as an artist and instructor worldwide. He is on the faculty of Studio Incamminati, the New York Academy of Art, and The Art Students League of New York. Dan has demonstrated and taught nationally and  internationally, including workshops and masterclasses in Italy, France and China. His work can be found in public and private collections throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and the Middle East. Dan has won numerous awards including the 2001 Grand Prize from the American Society of Portrait Artists and Second Place, Figurative Category, in Art Renewal Center’s 2006 International ARC Salon.
Who: Dan Thompson
Where: Studio Incamminati, Philadelphia (PA)
When: April 8 – 9, 2017
Cost: $399
Cost: $399