Julie Beck: Oil Painting for Newbies
by Matthew Innis |Oil Painting for Newbies (or not so Newbies) -Â 7 Spots Left
August 7, 8, and 9 (Limit 10 students)
3 Days 9:30 to 4:30 (1 hour lunch break)
Cost: $450
Instructor:Â Julie Beck
Using the most basic of materials, you can make great realistic paintings from life or from photo reference! Oil painting doesn’t have to be intimidating or complicated. Day 1 we will go over our materials. What they are made of, what they do, why and when to use them, etc. We will also use our first canvas to explore some basic exercises to experiment with paint application, value, transparency, etc. Day 2 we will further discuss value, and also discover our paints and their personalities, color space, and begin to develop a thought process for mixing accurate colors. Day 3 we will create a color study from a photo, and cover the concept of edges, transitions, etc.
Throughout all three days we will reinforce and reiterate the fundamentals of good realist painting. You will leave this short workshop with three canvases that will act as a great reference for your future masterpieces. Spots in this class are limited so the instructor can have maximum one on one time with each individual.
“The class was amazing. Thank you very much. You are such a generous teacher, sharing a wealth of information with us. The class was an excellent introduction to many important things to think about — things that I wish I knew in my past attempts to work in oils.â€
— Dennis, 2016 Oil Painting for Newbies student
Who: Julie Beck
Where: Academy of Realist Art, Boston (MA)
When: August 7 – 9, 2017
Cost: $450
Cost: $450