Natalie Italiano: Still Life Painting for ART EDUCATORS

by Matthew Innis |
Still Life Painting for ART EDUCATORS
Instructor: Natalie Italiano
June 26 — June 30, 2017
Time: 9 A.M.– 4 P.M.
Tuition: $550 $350 for Art Educators

Students begin with exercises teaching fundamentals of seeing and build progressively to provide both a means to study and a specific procedure for creating a portrait from life.The week begins with short studies and progresses to a two and one-half day portrait during the week’s second half. Beginning with a monochromatic underpainting using straight lines and angles, proportions and construction of the head are studied by learning to identify simple planes and shapes. In the second stage, flesh notes are added enabling students to develop a full value range and begin building the illusion of light on form. Simple color studies help students understand color is relative and influenced by the light source. Students explore color and incorporate it into the portrait-painting process as students enter the middle stages of the painting.

The second half of the week is devoted to a long pose in which students practice building their painting in preparation for the final pass. Daily instructor demonstrations illustrate the exercises and stages of developing a portrait and students also individual attention at the easel. In addition, students study the concepts of larger to smaller relationships, values, edges and paint handling.

Students should leave with a greater understanding of fundamental concepts, a cohesive painting process and the ability to integrate the exercises into that process.

Natalie Italiano, one of only three chosen for the Portrait Society of America’s “Signature Status,” received the society’s Certificate of Excellence in 2009. Her work has appeared in numerous exhibitions and galleries. She holds a teaching certificate from the Moore College of Art.

Who: Natalie Italiano

Where: Studio Incamminati, Philadelphia (PA)

When: June 26 – 30, 2017

Cost: $550 ($350 for Art Educators)

Cost: $550 ($350 for Art Educators)

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