Stephanie Deshpande: Alla Prima Floral Painting
by Stephanie |Alla Prima Floral Painting
Day : Sunday
Date :20170813
Time : 10-1pm, 2-5pm
Instructor : Stephanie Deshpande
Sunday, August 13 Â 10am-1pm, 2-5pm ( 1 hour break for lunch)
In this Alla Prima Floral Painting workshop, students learn how to capture the beauty of a floral arrangement in oil paint, in one sitting. Students will block in the composition directly on the canvas, measure main landmarks, and mass in large value areas. Deshpande will discuss the importance of comparing values, measuring, finding edges, and looking for color relationships. She will demonstrate the simple steps necessary to create a successful alla prima floral painting.
Flowers are supplied for this workshop. Students still need to bring the rest of their supplies.
For a supply list, click here
Who: Stephanie Deshpande
Where: The Teaching Studios of Art, Oyster Bay (NY)
When: August 13, 2017
Cost: $160
Cost: $160